Ulta Beauty, the largest U.S. beauty retailer, has revolutionized the beauty shopping experience since its founding in 1990. With a vast network of stores and a robust online platform, Ulta offers a comprehensive range of beauty products and services. The company's inventory includes over 25,000 products from approximately 500 well-established and emerging beauty brands, including its own private label.
Ulta Beauty stands out for its full-service salons in every store, offering hair, skin, brow, and makeup services. The company's Ultamate Rewards loyalty program is industry-leading, fostering customer retention and engagement. Ulta Beauty's commitment to personalized service and an inviting shopping environment has solidified its position as the premier beauty destination.
The company continues to innovate, expanding its product range and enhancing its omnichannel capabilities to meet evolving consumer preferences in the dynamic beauty market. With a focus on inclusivity and diversity, Ulta Beauty strives to celebrate the possibilities of beauty for all customers.